Zantac Lawsuit

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As of April 1, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has required that all Zantac and generic Zantac ranitidine drugs be removed from the U.S. marketplace. The FDA determined that the levels of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) can increase over time if stored at elevated room temperature levels.

There has been a link between NDMA used in Zantac and cancer. Most of the current lawsuits filed against Zantac and generic products are a result of this link. 

Stevenson Klotz has experience representing individuals in their personal injury and wrongful death cases, which involve the use of Zantac or the generic equivalent. Irresponsible drug manufacturers need to be held accountable for putting harmful products out to consumers. 


Most people have heard of the drug Zantac, but most people don’t know much about the drug itself. Zantac is in the histamine class and is most commonly used as an over the counter (OTC) and prescribed antacid. 

The chemical ranitidine hydrochloride can cause a variety of ailments, including:

  • Heartburn
  • Acid Reflux
  • Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease (GERD)
  • Barrett’s esophagus
  • Sour Stomach
  • Ulcers
  • Allergies

Zantac has been on the market for over 30 years when it became a popular antacid during the early 1980s. It is offered as both a prescription drug and over the counter in the form of Zantac OTC. The most common dosages of Zantac range from 75-150mg, although some individuals take a higher dosage daily. 

Since the drug came out in the 1980s, there have been a variety of studies done to link NDMA and cancer. The big issue here is manufacturer Sanofi and Boehringer Ingelheim intentionally concealed their knowledge that the drug could potentially cause cancer.

The drug was widely successful and made the company profits of over $1 billion from sales. Zantac was the first drug to ever reach the billion-dollar landmark. 

Ranitidine Investigation by the FDA

In September of 2019, the FDA made the announcement that it was investigating the possible carcinogenic effects of ranitidine. They used the 150mg dosage as the basis for their study. They found that Zantac and generics contained NDMA levels that were 3,000 times greater than the limits suggested by the FDA. Many experts agree that there are no safe levels of NDMA. 

As a result of this investigation, many people stricken with cancer are realizing the connection between their regular intake of Zantac and their illnesses. A large percentage of these individuals, and their families, are looking to file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuits. The negligence on the part of the manufacturer of Zantac is grounds for a valid lawsuit. 

There never should be a situation where a company disregards the health and safety of customers simply to make huge profits. As stated above, the FDA has ordered that all ranitidine products (Zantac) be removed from the shelves. 

Even before the FDA got involved, many generic manufacturers had voluntarily recalled their own products. 

This was a result of independent testing done by Valisure (an online pharmacy) and Emery Pharma (independent laboratory). Valisure regularly does batch testing on the products it chooses to sell online. The testing done by Emery Pharma on behalf of Valisure found extremely high levels of NDMA in the ranitidine used in the generic Zantac products. 

Each company independently filed petitions with the FDA to stop all sales of Zantac and the generic versions of Zantac. The more responsible manufacturers issued their own recalls of the product as a result of the independent testing done. Outside the U.S., there were recalls in Canada and parts of Europe as well. 

Side Effects of Zantac Usage

The connection between Zantac and cancer has been around for decades. Zantac has been linked to the following types of cancer in users. These different types of cancers can be found in the later parts of the body:

  • Bladder 
  • Brain 
  • Breast 
  • Colon 
  • Intestines
  • Kidneys
  • Lymphatic System (leukemia)
  • Liver 
  • Lungs
  • Ovaries
  • Pancreas
  • Prostate 
  • Stomach 
  • Testicles
  • Thyroid
  • Uterus

Along with cancer in all the above parts of the body, Zantac is also known to cause: nausea, vomiting, headaches, and stomach pain. 

Zantac Recall History

When the FDA announced its investigation into Zantac, retail stores began pulling the product off their shelves because of the link between the product and cancer. Responsible retail companies like Walgreens and CVS offered refunds to customers who had already made purchases. 

The generic manufacturers also stopped manufacturing their own Zantac product lines. They issued a recall of their products from retail stores. As a result of the FDA investigation, Zantac and ranitidine products have been recalled, banned, and left in warehouses in over 22 different countries. Other countries have issued their own warnings to consumers because of the link between Zantac and cancer. 

Zantac Litigation

There have already been several notable cases against the manufacturers of Zantac. In 2019, there was a judgment for $2.055 billion in a personal injury lawsuit. This was the ninth-largest compensation award ever given by the courts in the history of U.S. litigation. Another judgment for $298.2 million was awarded in California back in 2018. 

Hiring an experienced attorney like Stevenson Klotz is crucial for anyone looking to file a personal injury or wrongful death case against the manufacturers of Zantac. Anyone who has contracted cancer as a result of taking Zantac or generic Zantac products should immediately seek the assistance of a qualified attorney to help with the process of filing a claim. 

Class Action vs. Personal Injury Claim

 Many people want to know if their claim will be part of a class-action lawsuit or if they have an individual case against the manufacturer of Zantac. If you or a loved one developed cancer as a result of taking Zantac, you might be eligible to file your own personal injury claim. However, if you took Zantac and did not develop cancer, you might still be eligible for a class-action lawsuit to recover the out of pocket expenses incurred as a result of purchasing the product. 

With a class-action lawsuit, consumers are eligible to recover the money spent on Zantac because of the negligence on the part of the manufacturer when they failed to disclose the harmful effects of the medication. The manufacturers made profits from unethical business practices and should be held accountable for their negligent actions. By filing a Zantac personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit, individuals are allowed to fight for their rights to be compensated for the damages caused as a result of the negligent behaviors of the manufacturer. 

Contact Stevenson Klotz Today

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with cancer as a result of taking Zantac, you might be entitled to compensation. The process of determining negligence and liability is complicated, so it is essential to have an experienced team on your side. 

Contact us for your free Zantac lawsuit case evaluation today. 

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