Can You Get PTSD After a Motorcycle Accident?

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The moment of your motorcycle accident can stay with you for the rest of your life. It is certainly a traumatic event that will have a physical and mental impact on you.

It is common for motorcycle accident survivors to suffer from some sort of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You are entitled to be compensated for your entire ordeal, and not just for the physical injuries that you have suffered. If you or a loved one have been injured in a motorcycle accident in Pensacola, Florida, contact Stevenson Klotz Injury Lawyers today to discuss your case.

How Common Is PTSD After a Motorcycle Accident?

Any type of traumatic event will likely have emotional aftereffects. Any type of auto accident could lead to PTSD, as you may relive the moment right before the accident, the crash and the immediate aftermath. A motorcycle accident is almost always going to be a near-death experience because of the serious potential injuries that you can suffer.

Symptoms of PTSD after a motorcycle accident include:

  • Flashbacks to the accident
  • A general feeling of anxiety
  • Withdrawal from social situations
  • Avoidance of the accident

It may take some time to get over these symptoms, and some motorcycle accident victims can be left with permanent PTSD.

The first step is to recognize these symptoms as they are occurring. Your loved ones may tell you that you may be acting differently since the accident, or you may notice these signs in a motorcycle accident survivor you care about. Once noticed, a person suffering from PTSD must take action.

Recognize the Symptoms of PTSD and Get Help Dealing with Them

It is essential that you get help for both the physical and mental effects of the motorcycle accident. You should visit a counselor or a psychiatrist if you feel that you are experiencing any emotional impacts from the accident.

Getting help will have two primary benefits. It will:

  1. Aid you in better dealing with the aftermath of your motorcycle accident
  2. Begin to create documentation and a record of the PTSD

If you do not get prompt help, the insurance company may be more likely to question your PTSD. They may claim that you did not do everything within your own power to help yourself. It may be difficult to admit that you need help, but it is exactly what you must do, both for yourself and the sake of your legal claim.

It Can Be Difficult to Prove Emotional Distress to the Insurance Company

Proving emotional distress can be a challenge. You are the one who is relaying your own symptoms and what you are experiencing.

There is no one set test for PTSD after a motorcycle crash that can put everything down on paper. However, that is exactly what the insurance company wants to see. They do not like to cover things that do not appear black-and-white right in front of them. Part of this is tactical, because actually acknowledging your condition could cost the insurance company money.

Your claim stands the best chance of succeeding when you have as much documentation as possible. At the very minimum, you would need detailed treatment notes from a mental health professional. It may take some time to learn the full extent of your condition. In the meantime, you should also keep your own documentation of the symptoms as they occur. If possible, you should keep an extensive journal about what you are dealing with at the time.

If you have extensive non-economic damages, it may suit you better to wait for some time before you file your claim. Generally, you would file a motorcycle accident case when you reach the point of maximum medical improvement. By then, you usually know about the full extent of your damages.

You would have the documentation necessary to show that your PTSD is not a short-term problem, although you can still be compensated for PTSD of any duration.

Damages for PTSD After a Motorcycle Accident

Emotional distress can be made part of your motorcycle accident compensation. The responsible driver must pay for all the harm that they caused you, whether it is economic or non-economic. Emotional distress falls within the non-economic part of your claim, along with things like pain and suffering.

If you are suffering from PTSD, you would receive payment for what you are enduring and for the medical expenses necessary to treat it. If the PTSD keeps you from being able to work, you would qualify for lost wages. Again, you would have the burden of proof to demonstrate your damages, and you would need to do so in the face of a skeptical insurance company.

Contact a Pensacola Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today

If you or a loved one have been injured in a motorcycle accident, Stevenson Klotz Injury Lawyers in Pensacola are the fighters that you need in your corner. The insurance company will do everything within its power to keep you from getting what you deserve. We level the playing field on your behalf.

To schedule a free initial consultation, call us today at 850-444-0000 or send us a message through our website. There’s no money owed to us upfront, if you do not win, we will not get paid.

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