Chronic Pain Car Accident Compensation

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If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident, you may never be the same again. Your injuries could leave you in constant pain, and medical treatment may not make much of a difference.

Even if the other driver is responsible for your injuries, the insurance company will make your life difficult. They need to see the source of the pain to make everything as objective as possible. You need a car accident lawyer to stand up for you and tell your side of the story.

Stevenson Klotz Injury Lawyers can help you. Call us today to speak to a Pensacola auto accident lawyer.

Car Accident Injuries that Can Cause Chronic Pain

The impact and jarring effects of the accident can leave you in permanent pain. A car accident unleashes a tremendous amount of force on your body. You could suffer damage to your:

  • Extremities
  • Soft tissue
  • Discs in your back
  • Joints

In some cases, you may have suffered a neck or back injury that leaves you in continuous discomfort. Medical treatments may not seem to work to alleviate the pain.

Complex regional pain syndrome

A notable car accident injury that can linger for some time is complex regional pain syndrome (CPRS). This pain is the result of an injury, and the pain far outweighs the severity of the injury.

For example, you may have suffered a sprained wrist and are not dealing with chronic discomfort that will not go away. CPRS can affect your arms or legs.

Nerve root compression

Another chronic injury from a car accident is nerve root compression. A nerve within the neck or spine can become compressed as it leaves the spinal column. One type of this condition is known as sciatica, and it can cause severe pain in the legs. The accident victim may not even be able to walk because of the discomfort.

Medical Treatment Can Help With Chronic Pain After a Crash, But It Is Costly

With many chronic pain conditions, the patient can experience some improvement when medical treatment is started early. Treatment may include medications and other therapies that can help you rebuild strength. First, you may need extensive testing to diagnose the source of the chronic pain.

Some of these treatments can be expensive, such as:

  • Biofeedback
  • Spinal cord stimulation
  • Intrathecal drug pumps

Insurance Companies Do Not Want to Pay for the Treatment You Need

Insurance companies can make your life very difficult when you are suffering from chronic pain after a car accident. They will never take your word for it when you are describing your symptoms.

Insurance companies insist on being able to see something on an objective test, such as an MRI, and they will try to avoid paying for anything they consider subjective. Future medical costs are a part of your car accident settlement, and insurance companies may question the necessity of the treatment you say you need.

Therefore, it is essential to hire an attorney after your car accident. One of the first decisions an attorney will make is when to submit your claim to the responsible driver’s insurance company.

Generally, you would wait until you reach the point of maximum medical improvement. When you are dealing with chronic pain, it may take some more time to precisely estimate your damages.

Then, you may have a hard time getting the insurance company to fully compensate you for your injuries. They would underestimate the severity of what you are dealing with and reduce your pain and suffering damages. The insurance company does not get the final say, your lawyer can help you fight back.

You can continue to negotiate until you get a better settlement offer. Alternatively, your lawyer can take the case to court, and the jury would decide what you get after objectively reviewing your case and understanding your condition.

Contact a Pensacola Car Accident Lawyer to Discuss Settlements for Chronic Pain

After a Florida car accident, you have the legal right to be compensated for all the damages that you have suffered. Your settlement would include economic damages, such as lost wages, and non-economic damages, including pain and suffering.

You do not stand much of a chance of getting full compensation for your injuries unless you have someone who knows what your case is worth and how to get you that money. Call the attorneys at Stevenson Klotz Injury Lawyers to learn how we can help you. We offer free consultations. You can schedule time to speak with a lawyer when you message us through our website or call us at 850-444-0000.

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