What Are the Most Common Car Accident Injuries?

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Have you or a loved one been injured in a car accident? Car accident injuries are common. 3 million people, on average, are injured in a car accident in the united states every year.
But what kinds of auto accident injuries are the most common? What should you be looking out for in the event of a car accident?

We’re here to answer your questions. Keep reading to learn all about what the most common injuries are after a car accident.


Whiplash is by far one of the most common injuries sustained by someone in a car accident. On the bright side, it often occurs as a result of a good seatbelt, meaning that you’ve avoided more serious injuries. On the dim side, it results in an injured neck or back.

These injuries aren’t often permanent, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t serious. While you should always visit a doctor after an accident, it’s extra important if you feel pain in the days after the accident.
You may not feel pain at first because of adrenaline.

Broken Bones

Broken bones are another common result of a bad car accident. When you get jostled around in the car after a collision, it puts a strain on your skeleton. This can happen if you’re left in an odd position, if your seatbelt presses too hard against your ribs or collarbone, or if you hit a part of your car too hard. Broken bones are usually an easy fix, but it’s important to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Bruises and Contusions

Bruising is the most common result of a car accident. You may be bruised from your seatbelt, from a mild hit against a part of your car, or other mild side-effects of the impact. While you think these may be no big deal, it’s a good idea to see a doctor just in case there’s a deeper problem.


Concussions are tricky. Sometimes people don’t notice them until serious symptoms pop up. If you’ve hit your head as a result of a car accident, make sure you seek medical attention to make sure that you’re not concussed. If you experience headaches, poor memory, or extreme mental fogginess, a concussion might be the culprit.

Post-Traumatic Stress

While not a physical injury, post-traumatic stress can also happen as a result of a car accident.
Even mild accidents can be stressful enough for drivers of all skill levels to trigger a trauma response. People who experience post-traumatic stress from a car accident may experience an intense fear of driving or being in a car with others, or of being in the place where the accident took place.

Seeing a mental health professional will help you manage this condition. The treatment will also document your mental and emotional injuries which will be part of your claim.

Your Car Accident Injuries Are Serious

You should always see a doctor for any obvious or suspected car accident injuries. When you get in an accident, safety is your first priority. Don’t put off medical attention. Unfortunately, medical care is also expensive. If you’ve been harmed in a car accident, you may be entitled to damages that can help you cover your medical costs.

If you’re a victim of a car accident in Pensacola, Florida, contact us so one of Pensacola car accident lawyers can get in touch. We want to help you get the compensation that you deserve.

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