School starts back this month. School days bring increased traffic and congestion on the road. Drive safely around schools and be alert to keep children safe. Here are some safety tips for parents, students, and drivers to keep in mind this school year.
- Safely Drop Children Off — Schools usually have specific rules unique to the school for pick up and drop off. Be sure to know the rules of your child’s school and follow them. Do not double park; doing so creates visibility problems. Do not load or unload children across the street from the school
- Look Out for Pedestrians — Many children walk to and from school. Do not block crosswalks. Stop for safety patrol or crossing guards. Slow down in school zones. Do not pass cars stopped for pedestrians.
- Be Aware of School Buses — Always stop when bus lights are flashing. Stop far enough behind a bus to allow children to safely load and unload. Keep a greater following distance than other vehicles. Do not pass a bus from behind. Be alert; children do not always behave predictably.
- Drive Safely in School Zones — Traffic is usually higher in school zones due to buses, pick ups , drop offs, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Reduce speed. Lookout for buses. Yield to pedestrians. Look for crossing guards, police officers, and school officials for cues on how to deal with increased traffic.